How to Tell if Corn on the Cob is Bad? How Long It Last?

If you are looking for the process to find out “whether the corn on the cob has gone bad, unhealthy?”, here we have described how you can identify or tell that corn is bad.

So here we will discuss how to avoid buying or eating wasted corn. There will also highlight here how to know if corn on the cob is bad, how long does corn preserve, how long I can store the corn in the fridge, what will happen if you eat rotten corn?

How Long That Corn Lasts?

The shelf life of harvested corn on the cob is up to 3 days. However, it depends on several factors, I,e the storage place and procedure.

If it is stored in a fridge, it can last 5-7 days. However, if it is frozen it can last about eight months. On the other hand, you can store cooked corn for 5-7 days. However, frozen cooked corn may last 10 months.

Corn Storing TypeShelf Life
Fresh corn (After Harvested)1-3 Days
Fresh corn inside the fridge5-7 Days
Frozen corn on the cob8 Months
Cooked corn5-7 Days
Frozen cooked corn10 Months
Corn Shelf Life

The baby corn doesn’t list this long they have about shelf life. Now let’s learn how we can know if the corn is rotten or unsafe to use.

How to tell if it is Spoiled or Bad Corn?

We can identify spoiled corn in different ways. The primary and vital symptoms are as follows:

  1. We can see the fungus attack in the middle or on top of different grains with the naked eye. The leaves are highly yellowish.
  2. The grains are not well nourished. If less than 75-80% mature, then we can consider it as spoiled corn.
  3. Suppose wrinkled or torn on the leaves. If its weight is so light, then regular is an ear of rotten corn.
  4. When the husk and grains fade found on leaves.
  5. When the stem rots, black spots are noticed at the base of the scattered seeds.
  6. The lower leaves have elongated grey spots, and the inner rule is fragile.

When you are buying corn and found any of the given symptoms, consider it as spoiled. However, you may experience the excellent corn taste.

How to Know if the Corn on the Cob is Spoiled or Bad?

Corn is a crucial component of our diet. It also helps us to balance our food pyramid. Many of us love to eat corn. But sometimes some corn comes into our mouth, which is very uncomfortable to eat.

Many times, it gets so bad, and we can’t eat it but throw that away. The reason for this is spoiled corn. Yes, we often buy or cook rotten corn without knowing it. These are incredibly harmful to our bodies.

Here are some tips to know that corn is bad-

  • Slimy and moldy appearance,
  • Smell Moldy or rancid or both,
  • If corn is dark.
  • The top spray look moist and darkening.

Now if you are a farmer and find out the top spray is moist, immediately cut them out. Don’t store them with others. The molding normally begins on a moist tip, then spread.

What Makes Corn Go Bad?

A harmful pest of maize is ripe corn. Its scientific name is Chilo parties, family Pyralidae and class Lepidoptera.

Adult mature 4 cm. Tall, light-skinned, with black spots on the back. They lay white eggs in the middle veins under the leaves and cover the eggs with memes.

In 2-5 days, the larvae hatch in the eggs. They then enter the stem and eat the tissue inside the branch.

In both seasons, summer and winter, insects can attack harmfully. The presence of pike can be easily detected by eating holes or feces on the stem.

A brawl will not produce if this pike attacks the apex of the stem. As a result, the yield will severely reduce. They regularly attack and eat corn.

This pucca pierces the stem and eats the inner tissue, causing the limb to fall off. They eat the leaves horribly. They used to attack the leaves and corn. However, the most damage causes by attacking the agar of the stem.

How to Store Corn to Extend its Shelf Life?

After collecting the corn, clean it nicely at first, dried in the sun, and stored it for a long time. This process can store much maize at once. This method is straightforward and cost-effective and can hold for up to 1 year.

Therefore, during drying in the sun, the grains should have 12-14 percent humidity suitable for long-term storage. The grains can then be processed well and stored in polythene paper.

A variety of insects can attack preserved corn. Therefore, it is necessary to keep the area of store and surroundings clean regularly.

The processing and storing of maize will hold under a cool, dry, and shady place. It can also be stored in cold storage if desired, thus extending the storage period.

How to Store Corn in the Fridge to Extent Shelf life?

We can also preserve corn in the fridge. For this, we have to clean the corn neatly and discard all the unnecessary parts first.

After that, it should be washed and dried in the sun. It can then be wrapped in a clean plastic container or polythene bag and stored in a deep freezer drawer.

To keep it in excellent condition from freezing to before use, we have to take care, which means that there should be no change in its temperature. Because if there is a difference in temperature between it, its quality and nutritional value will likely be lost.

Everyone can boil and save them for the future if they want. For cooking it, firstly, you have to stripe the seeds and then boil them perfectly.

After boiling, you have to make it cool or keep it in a cold place for a while. As an example, you can put them in a regular standard fridge.

It can then be wrapped in a clean plastic container or polythene bag and stored in a deep freezer drawer.

Deep freezing does not result in loss of quality, nutrition, and food quality and prolongs the storage period. Corn stored in a deep freezer usually stays good for about one year.

What Happens if you Eat Bad Corn?

Many of us eat corn regularly. Many times we can unknowingly eat spoiled corn. So a question always comes to mind, is it healthy to eat wasted corn? Or how much rotten corn will not be harmful to health? So let’s find out what can happen to the body by eating wasted corn.

  • Food poisoning

Studies have shown that bacteria in food increase by 40 degrees Fahrenheit and 140 degrees Fahrenheit.

If you do not refrigerate cooked corn within two hours, bacterial production chances increase significantly. Before eating refrigerated corn, heat it in the oven. Leave it until its internal temperature is 165 Fahrenheit or 64 degrees Celsius.

  • Digestive problems

Bacteria produced in spoiled corn are the causes of digestive problems. Bacteria also interfere with the digestion of food. Due to this, there are digestive problems.

  • Acidity

Do you often suffer from acidity problems? Stomach pain or heartburn. Responsible for your diet. It is a significant problem for those who eat wasted corn by mistake.

  • Nausea

Although the corn looks fresh, it has bacteria in it, which may cause your nausea to be an indigestion problem.

  • Diarrhea and abdominal pain

Diarrhea is a pervasive health problem of eating rotten foods regularly. Eating spoiled corn eventually causes pain in your stomach.

It also causes stomach pain due to gas created in the stomach. Stomach aches cause by refrigerated corn eaten hot. Bring the food out of the refrigerators. Then left it at room temperature for a while. And finally, heat the food and eat it.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some questions that people ask frequently.

Can corn on the cob be kept at room temperature?

When you don’t plan on eating a fresh ear of corn within a day or two, you should store it at room temperature for up to one week. You can also keep corn refrigerated in its husk, but be sure not to tightly wrap or seal it.

Can corn sit out overnight?

While fresh corn on the cob can be left out for a bit, you’ll want to make sure you don’t let it sit out overnight or all day.

Corn left out too long is likely to develop mold and other signs of spoilage, especially when not refrigerated. If your corn has been sitting at room temperature for more than a few hours, discard it rather than risk getting sick from moldy food.

However, cooked corns may last at little as two hours.

What does corn smell like when it goes bad?

Unless you are extremely familiar with fresh corn, by its appearance alone, you can’t determine whether or not it is rotten. The only way to find out is by tasting it. You should always err on the side of caution and throw away any food that smells bad or looks weird.

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